Inbound Email FAQ

  1. What is Inbound Email Management?
    Inbound email management is the management of incoming emails that your company receives.  The tool automatically filters out spam and out of office emails, so that your staff only needs to concentrate on dealing with real customer service emails.   This helps your staff be as efficient as possible, so that they can help more customers.  Inbound email management solution is offered either as a self-serve option (we provide the software and you provide the people), or a full service option (we provide both the software and the people).
  2. How will processing inbound email benefit your company?
    The goal of processing inbound email is to maintain high level of customer service. When inbound emails are being processed on a timely basis, customer problems receive immediate attention. With immediate resolution of issues, this also increases customer satisfaction and enhances customer loyalty. Each change of address and spam challenge processed means existing customer information is retained, and no additional money is required to re-acquire those customers.
  3. Who manages the inbound email requests?
    Have your agents use our application as a self-serve solution or let us handle all the inbound replies on your behalf, worry free! You can also just use us for your off-hours when you’re unavailable and handle your regular business hours by yourself. To find out more about using our Bamboo Cricket customer service representatives please email us at
  4. Can I have Bamboo Cricket handle our inbound replies?
    Yes, you can have our reps handle your inbound replies all the time (full service option managed solution), or a combination with your agents eg. We sort your process or the off hours when you do not want to handle replies yourself. We will work with you to set up relevant business rules and the reply matrix that allow agents to process the email consistently. As each inbound email is redirected to Bamboo Cricket, the replies are sorted into the correct categories. As the managed solution requires Bamboo Cricket customer service representatives to help sort and process your inbound email replies, we ask that you contact our sales representatives directly. This allows us to discuss the business rules and reply matrix with you in detail, jointly create a knowledge base and identify hours of operation. To find out more or to sign up please email us at
  5. How do I set up Inbound Email Management?
    You can go to the Inbound Email page:, and sign up for a 10 day free trial. When you sign up, you will be asked to download a copy of the Quick Reference Guide which will step you through the inbound email set-up.
  6. How can I try the product?
    We offer a 2-week free trial. You can sign up for the trial by clicking here. For more information on the product you can view our Inbound Email product page.
  7. What happens if I don’t receive the email confirmation with my password?
    You should shortly receive an email confirmation with your login username and password upon creating either your Free Trial or new account. Please double-check that this email was not filtered into your SPAM folder. Should you need assistance obtaining your password, please contact us at or via one of our Live Chat operators. We’ll either recover or re-set your email password for you.
  8. What happens if I can’t find or remember my password?
    On sign-up for either a free trial or your new account, you received a confirmation email with your username and password. Should you need assistance finding or changing your password, please contact us at or via one of our Live Chat operators. We’ll either recover or re-set your password for you.
  9. How do I cancel?
    You can cancel at any time. Simply contact our toll free number or and we will update your subscription status. Once updated we will email you a cancellation confirmation.
  10. I have feedback and new ideas for the product, how can I tell you?
    We love to hear about new ideas you have for the product. If you would like the system to do something, but the feature is not currently available, please send us an email at

Free Analysis Report

We'll do a free analysis of your inbound email traffic for two weeks showing the actual impact of inbound email management on your bottomline. Sign-up below:

What others are saying

Less than 45% of companies surveyed responded to their customer service emails at all and of those, only 29% responded within 24 hours!

Email Responsiveness Survey
Hornstein Associates, October 2011


Learn more about Inbound Email Management by reviewing the following Bamboo Cricket case studies, white papers, articles and news.

Case Studies

Hospitality Case Study - Based in Las Vegas, this company is one of the world's leading hospitality providers.
Download PDF

Publishing Case Study - Based in New York, this publisher is one of the world's leading technology publishers.
Download PDF

White Papers

It Pays to Read Your Customer's Email
If you spend $10, $20 or $50 to acquire a customer and have invested in that relationship do you really just want to ignore them? You could be talking thousands in lost opportunity costs.
Download PDF

Inbound Email Response: Digital Marketing's Last Mile
The "last mile" is where things slow down. This is when an email from a buyer waits for a contact center person to open and reply and many organizations can do better.
Download PDF

Other Documents

Inbound Email Overview
Download Document

Bamboo Cricket Products Overview
Download Powerpoint


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