Live Chat FAQ

  1. What is Live Chat Support?
    Live Chat Support is your indispensible tool to minimize cost, increase sales and boost customer satisfaction. When your website visitor has a question, he can click on the Live Chat button and immediately chat with a live agent. When he receives the answers to his questions right away, it is more likely he will be able to make the decision right away and make the purchase. Live Chat Support allows you to increase your sales conversion. You can staff your live chat personnel however you want, from 9am to 5pm, or available 24 hours a day. It is totally up to you.
  2. Who answers the live chat requests on my website?
    Have your agents use our application as a self-serve solution or let us handle all the chat sessions on your behalf, worry free! You can also just use us for your off-hours when you’re unavailable and handle your regular business hours by yourself. To find out more about using our Bamboo Cricket customer service representatives please email us at
  3. Can I have Bamboo Cricket answer my live chat requests?
    Yes, you can have our reps handle your chat sessions all the time, or just during the off hours when you won’t be handling them yourself. We will work with you to ensure that the knowledge base is populated with all the necessary information pertaining to your company and your business, so that our customer service representatives can represent your company and provide the best customer support possible. To find out more about using our Bamboo Cricket customer service representatives please email us at
  4. Can I manage it myself part of the time and have Bamboo Cricket manage it other times?
    Absolutely! Some of our clients want manage Live Chat themselves at all times. Others want to use Live Chat during the day, and transition over to our customer service representatives during off hours from 5pm -9am. This is Bamboo Cricket’s strength. We can step in at any time, and help handle your off-hour traffic as well as overflow traffic during holiday seasons. We are here when you need us. To find out more about using our Bamboo Cricket customer service representatives please email us at
  5. How can I try out the product?
    We offer a 2-week free trial. You can sign up for the trial by clicking here. For more information on the product you can view our Live Chat product page.
  6. How much will it cost to add live chat to my website?
    Bamboo Cricket offers a very good value for the services provided. Live Chat Support starts at $19.95 per agent per month. If you’d like Bamboo Cricket’s customer support representatives to handle your (some or all) live chat sessions, they can be processed for as low as $2.00/chat, depending on volume. Please feel free to speak with one of our sales representatives for the exact pricing, based on your volume.
  7. How do I setup Bamboo Cricket to answer my live chat requests?
    As the managed solution requires Bamboo Cricket customer service representatives to help process live chat sessions, we ask that you contact our sales representatives directly. This allows us to discuss the business rules with you in detail, jointly create a chat knowledge base and identify hours of operation. To find out more or to sign up please email us at
  8. I have feedback and new ideas for the product, how can I tell you?
    We love to hear about new ideas you have for the product. If you would like the system to do something, but the feature is not currently available, please send us an email at
  9. How do I add users to my existing account?
    In order to add additional users to your existing account, please first log-in to your account. From there, go to the Account Settings section. Highlight the account to which you’d like to add users. Click the “Upgrade Account” icon, which can be found second from the right in the navigation menu. Complete the form, indicate the # of users you’d like in total and click submit. Once changes have been confirmed, please re-login to the application to add new users in the User Settings section.
  10. What happens if I don’t receive the email confirmation with my password?
    You should shortly receive an email confirmation with your login username and password upon creating either your Free Trial or new account. Please double-check that this email was not filtered into your SPAM folder. Should you need assistance obtaining your password, please contact us at or via one of our Live Chat operators. We’ll either recover or re-set your email password for you.
  11. What happens if I can’t find or remember my password?
    On sign-up for either a free trial or your new account, you received a confirmation email with your username and password. Should you need assistance finding or changing your password, please contact us at or via one of our Live Chat operators. We’ll either recover or re-set your password for you.
  12. How do I cancel?
    You can cancel at any time. Simply contact our toll free number or and we will update your subscription status. Once updated we will email you a cancellation confirmation.

Free Trial

Try Live Chat on your website free for two weeks and we're sure you'll be convinced by the impact on your bottomline. Sign-up below:

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Your customer service essentials.

Individually or as a bundle, only Bamboo Cricket offers a complete solution!

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What others are saying

Two thirds of online shoppers have tried live chat and 75% will have done so by 2013 according to the
E-tailing Group.

Internet Retailer
March 2012


Learn more about Live Chat by reviewing the following articles and news stories.

White Papers

The Case for Live Chat
Many companies are already finding various ways to utilize live chat to not just complement their support channel, but assist with sales and marketing efforts as well.
Download PDF

Other Documents

Bamboo Cricket Products Overview
Download Powerpoint


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